Under senare tid verkar det som om beerticker.dk, som jag uppfattat som en privat ölblogg och konsumentföreningen Danske Ølentusiaster ha blivit osams på något sätt.
Jag lyckas inte tränga igenom (delvis beroende på att min danska är sådär) vad som egentligen hänt. Någon som kan förklara det här för mig?
Hm, det verkar som om informationen försvunnit från respektive site. Nå, så går det när man är långsam.
Inget har hänt här. Cirkulera!
Min danska är inte heller så bra, men jag kan göra ett försök. Vart hittade du info om detta? Jag skummade av bådas sidor men hittade inget direkt.
SvaraRadera@Stefan: All information verkar ha tagits bort nu.
SvaraRaderaI'll write this in english, as writing it in danish again probably wont be very helpful ;)
Basically its about money. Peter, who writes Beerticker, was hoping to make Beerticker his living, by getting sponsorships, or something similar, from Danske Ølentusiaster and maybe Bryggeriforningen, which represent the danish industrial beer producers, or others. In this way, Ølentusiasterne and others could get beer news integrated into their own websites ect. Despite Beerticker having a huge following however, noone have been willing to sponsor the site.
Moreover, Ølentusiasterne each year have a vote to award a price to the best new danish beer. Peter has been making this list of new beers for Ølentusiasterne for the last 4 years, as part of his work on Beerticker, and was hoping that Ølentusiasterne would pay him to do so. This sounds pretty resonable to me, as it is a long list. Last year there where 590 new danish beers, so obviously it takes a LOT of time to make this list.
After making a half-heartet offer to help Beerticker, Ølentusiasterne however suddenly bailed on this promises. They even waited untill Peter had delivered last years beer list to them, before they told him that they where not interested in sponsoring Beerticker.
This has ofcourse made Peter angry, and he is therefore now complaining about the other areas where Ølentusiasterne have wronged him. Eg they are stealing his beer news, and copying it into their own member magazine without crediting him, and copying his beer updates and desciptions into their own beer database.
Thoughout their dealing with Beerticker, Ølentusiasterne have behaved unprofessionally, and their chairman Bo have gone as far as slandering and namecalling.
Peter had originally written a long angry article about the dispute, and published it on Beerticker, but this has now been removed from the site. I assume that it is to still the waters.
I hope that makes things clearer :)
Tack, brian!
SvaraRaderaTack så mycket för informationen! Nu verkar det som om Peter kommer att få sponsring från andra källor i alla fall.